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Community Services

On-Site Day Habilitation

 SFCBDD runs an on-site day program Monday through Friday that focuses on building new life skills for adults. Goals are individually assessed with the aim of building new life skills, which result in greater independence.


Respite is form of temporary relief for families who need short term care for a disabled family member. 

SFCBDD's out of home respite care center is designed to provide 24 hour a day care for a few days to a week.

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Journey to Discovery Employment Services

SFCBDD has DMH/DD contracts designed to assist in the complete job location and retention process. The end expectation of services is for the individual to be able to retain employment long term. Staff support is assessed on an individual basis. Long term expectation can range for an individual to work completely independent without support in time, or to have continued one-on-one support indefinitely. 

Attention Local Employers: Supported Employment Program

Community Integration

SFCBDD also provides services in the community individually and in groups. The goal of the services is to teach socialization skills and community life skills. 

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